What I didn’t know about breath.
Don’t you love how we can move through life doing things, not really thinking about them much and then just have a lightbulb moment?
For me it was a book, simply called ‘Breath’ .
Now, I am someone who has been hopitalised on several occasions for lack of breathing, someone who has worked with my voice for almost 20 years and has had to constantly work on how to breath and that without breath there is no voice, someone who works with people starting out with their voice too, but I knew I didn’t know all there was to know about breathing. Who does?
But who thinks about it? Not you I bet!
So when I saw this book ‘Breath’ by James Nestor recommended by the super duper voice coach Nic Redman It got me interested.
I’ve read a lot of voice theory books in my time, have done the diaphragmatic breathing, gone through all kinds of ways to look at how I breath but this book really blew my mind.
My son said to me the other day ‘mum are you still talking about that book?’
Not in an encouraging way!!!
But, well, YES I am!
Because I am blown away by the fact that we all breath, all of us, but how many of us think about it.. AT ALL?
Not many!
In this book, James Nestor looks at how nasal breathing is so much better for us than mouth breathing, how just being aware of this simple thing we do all day everyday, can lower blood pressure, produce nitric oxide which helps us better absorb the oxygen, and how our nose warms or cools the air to our body’s temp so we can get the most out of each breath.
It was so interesting.
Nasal breathing also:
increase air flow to arteries, veins, and nerves
slow down breathing
improve lung volume
help our diaphragm work properly
lowers our risk of allergies and hay fever
reduce our risk of coughing
aids our immune systems
lowers our risk of snoring and sleep apnea
AND supports the correct formation of teeth and mouth
Your body also alternates nostrils, triggering different parts of our brains.. WHAT?
This book draws on thousands of years of breath work, and it really made me stop, think, and concentrate on breathing through my nose.
It’s not always easy, but It’s worth a go. If nothing else, it helps to feel calmer.
go forth and use your nose!
And read this book.
good luck!.