All the little creatures..

Fleavette and Itchy flea find a sausage - as you do! Scene from the series Flea Bitten

Fleavette and Itchy flea find a sausage - as you do! Scene from the series

Flea Bitten

Whenever I work with new Voice actors one of the first things I recommend is to create a folder to keep a copy of anything you do so that when you want to make a demo, it’s all there. Easy!

Except I have not always practised what I preached!

Sure, some jobs are harder to get a hold of than others, sure, and life happens!

And I have always been annoyed with myself that I didn’t have copies of the gang of animated creatures (and a few humans) I voiced with Moody Street Productions including Sumo Mouse, Flea Bitten and Shezow.

I’m not a video editor, I’m an audio chick, so it wasn’t easy back then!

So ten years after the show was made, and is available to watch on STAN, I am very excited to re-live the fun and the experience by editing clips from the shows. I have found editing them with Kapwing easy and I am so happy to share them with the world.

There’s a way to go, but it’s like finding long lost friends, and welcoming them back into my life!

Oh Olga flea, Felavette, Glamourpuss, Nasty Cat, Aunty Dott, Tabby, Dudepow, Fluffball’s owner, Susan the Alien, Claris Milton, and all the others, how I have missed you.


Cecelia :)


For this podcast, that’s a wrap.


Why good feedback is what we all need right now.