It’s ok. Not every voice role is your role..
I can’t tell you how many times I have had my heart set on landing a voice over job, thought I was in with a chance, but then it went to someone else!
Whether it’s just a one off, or a great character in an animated TV series, it doesn’t matter, as a Voice Actor you can’t help but be disappointed when you don’t land the gig.
Maybe you’ve done it too, gotten carried away and imagined the red carpet events and the $$ that would pay for the holidays! (ha ha.. red carpet events for VO jobs are rare!!)
And of course, then the self doubt questions come thick and fast,
What did I do wrong?
Was I too eager? Not prepared enough? What did they have that I didn’t?
Did I sound too old or too young?
Was my accent no good? Why? Why? WHY?
But, as you work through these situations, and you do more auditions and listen to styles of voices being used in projects, you realise it probably wasn’t personal, just someone else was a better fit for that thing.
It’s not you, it’s them! Ha ha!!
It’s part of the job to be able to accept and process this, no one can do every job and after almost 2 decades I think I am pretty much at peace with it.
Sure I’ll still be disappointed if I think I could nail a role and it doesn’t come my way, but because I know my voice wouldn’t be right for EVERY job, an dboy wouldn’t I be busy it I did them all!!
And let me share this with you.
Recently I was working on a voice for a character in a audio drama with a client in America I have worked with previously. I was keen to get this right for him so we had about 5 goes and trying to nail the voice for her.. and in the end this was his response…
I went with another actor for the role. You came in 2nd. I’m so grateful for your multiple takes and your talent. I hope to work with you on a meaty role in the future. You’re such a terrific actress with such a lovely voice.
And so it wasn’t a loss, but a lovely moment to reflect that yes, he found the person who would make his work work best, and it isn’t personal, and I look forward to what he has in store next!