What do you think about Mentors?
I wish we had more a system where mentors were more available to us, especially as creative women. On and off over 14 years I had a voice teacher, Anna McCrossin Owen, she's worked with many, many actors and voice actors across Australia and beyond, she knows her stuff, and I learned so much (and that there was so much I needed to learn) from her over that time. She was a mentor to me in many ways and made me realise how important it is to have role models and people with experience you can draw on in your life. This is also true of authors, teachers, people who's work you admire but perhaps you don't know.
In 2009, Anna and I went to NYC to a VASTA conference, (Voice teachers of America) I'll be honest, I went there last minute and I really went because I had some spare cash at the time and the idea of a trip to NY was irresistible.
I'm glad I took the plunge, but let's face it, you rarely regret the crazy last minute things you do that seem insane! At that conference were a few very well respected and renowned voice teachers from across the globe, including Kristen Linklater and Patsy Rodenberg. Doing the workshops with them opened my mind to what I could do with my voice. As a voice artist who didn't come from a theatre background I released there was much I had to learn about breathing and movement and how it related to voice work and Patsy Rodenberg opened my eyes to that. I love her work, it's accessible and sensible and great for anyone wanting to get more from their voice. Going to another workshop with her is my bucket list now that all these years later I understand what she taught me that afternoon in NY, but for now, I have her book by my bedside, she’s my virtual mentor and that’ll do.
Patsy Rodenberg
Kristen Linklater