I go alright for a luddite!
You know what a luddite is right? It’s someone who’s opposed to using new technology or doing things in a new way. That’s me 100%, if I get into a groove with something I don’t see the need for change. In fact I just ordered a new computer to edit on because my old one is 15 years old! Yes 15! Don’t say it out loud it might just decide to retire today if you do.
But being a luddite just wasn’t helping me when it came to having a home recording set up that was as good as it could be. So while I was happily recording and sending my self directed voice files to clients for years, the COVID pandemic made me step it up a notch and get Source Connect installed. Now, source connect is this amazing little piece of software that magically connects my microphone to the protools session in the studios ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD!
And it’s actually blown my mind!!!
Because while it took me 2 days and several glasses of wine to work out how all the bits needed to talk to each other, now it has enabled me to work with people on the other side of the suburb, the city and even in the UK and the US, and all of these jobs have been amazing! All from my little voice cupboard. So if you’re a luddite too, believe me, take a little step forward and be brave, have a glass of wine with you if you need, and see what that new way of working might do for you!