Be brave and take a break..

If you’re a voice actor, chances are you have a mic set up for holiday travels these days, so when you’re not home, you’re always able to knock out a quick script record, or reply to that audition that pops into your inbox.

Back when I worked in commercial radio, there was a saying that you should never take holidays because you never knew if you were going to be replaced while you were gone!

But is that healthy?

Umm.. no! Absolutely not!

So recently I put all that all aside and went on holiday to New Zealand, in a campervan, with my family.

It was blue skies, fresh air, glorious snow capped mountain tops, adventure, bowls of chips, kiwis and fun.

And I didn’t think of work, or auditions, or anything.

And it was good. Really good.

Voice acting is my love, but the stress of having to find a quiet spot in the van to record, respond to client emails in a timely manner with a time difference, navigate unknown internet and try to enjoy the travel just wasn’t going to happen and I’m glad I realised that.

The last 3 years have been HARD WORK, and for those of us with home studios, we haven’t had much of a brain break, or a work break.

So if you get a chance to take a break and leave your mic at home, I say take it, be kind to yourself and enjoy who and what’s outside the booth.

C ;)


Happy New Year!


A few things to know about Narrating Audio books.