Three Things I Love
Blogs are a funny thing, a stream of consciousness, good ideas, tips for living, career or travel insights. What will mine be?
Well for a long time I have admired Pip Lincoln from Meet me at Mike's. She is one of the original craft bloggers, a writer and all round creative maven, i love her work, so I'm taking inspiration from her and starting with a 3 things I love in my blog post, because the world is full of people complaining, and yes I do my fair share too, but not here, not now!
OK, so,
#1 — My CD collection.
It's very noughties of me bit I still love the tactile nature of a cd. I love the colour of the spines, the way you can group them into genres or times in your life, I have a grunge, brit pop and 'when people come over for dinner' section, my husband has a 90s dance section, there's a lot in there. I love the way you run your finger along and your brain and finger connect to choose the right thing for the moment.I love seeing how much I paid for them, anywhere from $2 at an op shop to $30 from ‘Gaslight Records’ (remember that brilliant place?!)I even love the ones with the broken corner of the cover, streaming just 'aint quite the same.
#2 — Herbs, the culinary variety, the ones Simon and Garfunkel sang about, 'parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme'.
They are all growing in my garden, just outside my kitchen window and when I need a boost for or inspiration for a meal, or just walk by, pick some and smell, they are little bundles of joy. And when they flower they bring the bees, and we all need more bees in our lives. No really.
#3 — My job.
Yes these are a random bunch of things, but as this is my first blog post, I'm sure there will be more cohesion as I go along! I pinch myself sometimes that I get paid to do the job I love so much. There have been times over the years where I have wondered whether I wanted to go on, the slog of freelance life can be tough sometimes. Not knowing when your next job will be, wondering why you didn’t get a casting for something or why they dropped you and cast someone else, how much you'll earn each month, all of that.
But when I get given a script and step behind the mic, all the years of practise, of being faced with unknown situations and making them work, of working with different people so often and delivering for them, it all comes to me and I put the smile on my face and do it! Bring those words to life.
Someone one once told me you're only as good as your last job, and while I have had a few voice over jobs through they years that didn't go exactly as smoothly as they might have, I try to remember that every time, and try to bring my A game, and well the jobs still keep coming! (Phew)